Valentines Day

Valentines Day at Growing Light is about love, friendship, and manners! We practiced our dance etiquette with a special Valentines dance where the children learned how to ask a friend to dance, how to accept or decline gracefully, and most importantly how to have a great time on the dance floor! These smiles say it…


1000 Chain

One of our Kindergarten students, Sawyer Schlopy, is so excited to be completing the 1000 chain. Sawyer is practicing skip counting, getting a tactile experience with the cube root of 1000, and improving his concentration immensely. Montessori Math makes sense!

Thank You Tyler

We want to thank former student and graduate Tyler Phillips for sharing his talent with us recently. Tyler brought his viola in during our circle time. He gave an excellent presentation about the instrument, answered questions, and wowed us with his musical skills. Proud moment for all!

Thank You

Thank you to all who came out to celebrate our new school last night. It was so fun to visit with former students, friends, and supporters of our school. Want to thank Lola’s Street Kitchen for providing fabulous fair and for donating a portion of your proceeds to our school. It was a wonderful evening.