Grace, Courtesy, Careful Hands & Quiet Body’s

It’s almost as if we have been preparing all school year for this moment. All of the students practice with Grace and Courtesy, Careful Hands, Quiet Body’s, and Respect for Living Things have readied them to hold our 1-day old baby chicks. The afternoon class has been journaling about the development inside the eggs for…

Congrats to former student David Depres

So proud of our former students! David Despres, a graduate of Growing Light, is now a third grader. David entered his school spelling bee and qualified to go to district this month! David is shown here about to take 10th place overall at District. Couldn’t be more proud of your growing confidence David!

100 Board

One of our very proud preschoolers has just completed the 100 Board. The joy in that face says it all. Children should love learning! Learning mathematical concepts in a Montessori classroom begins concretely and progresses towards the abstract. They are developed from simple to complex. Process is taught first and facts come later. Order, coordination,…

Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori believed it was important to study what humans have in common to instill in the child a greater sense of belonging to the universe. Humans all over the world share the same common needs. By examining the similarities and differences of humans around the globe, we build a sense of connection to all…